In a frame of the project Center for support and promotion of European Integrations – CePPEI, which is being realized by the Sarajevo Regional Developmental Agency – SERDA, launched has been a website At this site it is possible to find the most actual daily information from the European Union, in the process of the European integrations, regional economic development and practical application of European standards. Also, it is possible to find the information on programs and instruments of the EU, available EU funds, as well as possibilities of applying for the European funds.

Website will also be an important factor in process of networking and establishing of partnership between all interested actors whose goal is a process of integrations of BiH in the EU.

Namely, European integrations are a long-lasting and encompassing process of social, economic, political and ethic reforms, whose final goal is adapting the standards of the European Union in order to create conditions for living standard in Bosnia and Herzegovina such is being lived by citizens of the most developed countries of Europe.

In the same time, in efforts to increase a level of awareness on the process of European integrations, on European regulations and standards, on programs of non-refundable support and possibilities of applying for tenders of the EU, the Sarajevo Regional Developmental Agency – SERDA has at the beginning of year formed the Center for support and promotion of European Integrations (CePPEI). Main goal of this Center is increasing the level of knowledge on the European Union (general and concrete information on the EU), on process of the European integrations etc., while target groups of the Center are firstly establishers of SERDA, local community, small and middle companies, non-governmental organizations, media, citizens…

Information will be available through the establishment of website, e-mail, printed material and guides, and by direct contact through thematic forums, seminars and conferences, has been informed from the Public Relations Service of SERDA, reports portal ekapija.