Nezavisne novine: The House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH has yesterday adopted the changes to the Law on VAT by which the funds from the Pre-Accession Assistance of the EU for BiH (IPA) are being exempted from the value added tax.  Abolishing of the VAT on funds from the IPA funds was a condition of the European Commission for realization of about 50 million Euros worth projects for 2007, which are being financed by these funds. Total predicted assistance from this fund for BiH until 2011 is 440 million Euros.  

Office for Audit has been completed as well

The House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH has yesterday also confirmed the nomination of Dževad Nakić for a deputy state auditor from Bosniak’s nation.  Management of the Office for Audit of Business of the Institutions of BiH, has been completed by this as well.

"We are welcoming the changes to the law by which the obligation of paying the VAT on the Pre-Accession Assistance of the EU is being abolished. This way, the obstacles for realization of the projects which are being financed by these funds, have been removed", has been said by Zora Stanić, from the European Commission Delegation in BiH.  The delegates of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH have yesterday also confirmed a nomination of Jasminka Džumhur from Bosniak’s and Ivo Bradavica from Croatian nation for the ombudsmen of BiH. Ljubomir Sandić has earlier been nominated for an ombudsman from Serbian nation, and by confirming of the nomination of Džuhmur and Bradvica, the institution of ombudsman of BiH has been completed. Ombudsmen from Bosniak’s and Croatian nation have been nominated from the list which has been confirmed by the Joint Commission of the both parliaments of BiH.

"The legal basis for establishing the joint commission, which would be responsible for reconciliation of the names of ombudsmen, did not exist. This is not in accordance with our Rulebook and it will cause the complaints of candidates who have not been elected because of the violation of procedure", has been said by Božo Rajić, Croatian delegate. Hilmo Neimarlija, delegate from the order of Bosniaks, has said how Mariofil Ljubić, previous ombudsman, has already announced the complaint because of the violation of procedure.  Delegates have supported the principles of changes to the Law on Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH (OSA), by which the obligation of security checks of the members of the parliamentary commission for supervisory over work of this agency has been abolished. Delegates have also supported the principles of the Proposal Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Protection of Secret Data. By the proposed changes and amendments it is being predicted that the members in the House of Representatives and delegates in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of BiH in their official activities have an access to the secret data of all stages of discretion, without securing checks. By abolishing of security checks, delegates and members would have an access exclusively only to the data needed for their official activities, in accordance with the Law, and they cannot demand an access to the documents which are not related to the questions from their competence.