Nezavine novine: BRČKO – An average net salary in the District of Brčko for June this year was 734.65 KM and lower than in entities, has been announced from the exposition of the Agency for Statistics of BiH.

In the same period, an average salary in the Republic of Srpska was 768, and in the Federation of BiH 740.60 KM.

The highest salaries, above the state’s average, have had the employees in the Canton Sarajevo and it was 925.44 KM while with 603.6 KM on the bottom of scale was Srednjobosanski canton.

About 9.100 pensioners in Brčko District, users of both funds, have received an average monthly amount of 313 KM.

In the statistical bulletin of the Agency it has been stated that commodity worth of 53 millions has been transported from Brčko, while the import is four times higher and it costs 218 millions.

By the same source, the number of employed has been increasing, and it is 15.866 employed persons in Brčko. In the evidence of the Institute for Employment at the end of June there were 12.985 persons, among which more than a half were women.