Dnevni avaz: SARAJEVO – Seeking for solution for remunerations for unemployed demobilised veterans, the Government of the FBiH will most likely not going to change the Law on Belonging of Public Revenues, which decreases the revenues of the Cantons and municipalities. This was said yesterday by the minister of finances Vjekoslav Bevanda.

He explained that the Government will provide the money alone through re-divisions or redirection of money from the projects which could not be realised by the end of the year.

“We will search the solution through the budget, non-budgetary funds and everything else at disposal. It is important that it is implementable and “at nobody’s expense”, said Bevanda. He warned that greatest danger stems from the pressure that these rights become permanent, and not limited to the time the beneficiary spent in the BiH Army or in the Croatian Council of Defence.