From 26th to 27th February, 2009., in the UNDP BiH in Sarajevo has been held a fourth meeting of the resource group of the regional project "Society of practitioners in the area of human resources management", which gathers representatives from structures of the civil service in countries of region.

The Public Administration Reform Coordinator's Office is included in the activities of this project since 2006., when at the first regional workshop on reform of structures of civil service organized in Sarajevo, there was initiated an idea for forming of society of practitioners in the area of human resources management.

There was a deliberation on the activities of project and a plan of work of the resource group. Besides others, it has been agreed on holding the series of round-tables in countries of the region at which there has been planned a promotion of publication prepared on the basis of results of the research project implemented in 2008. on topic How to attract and keep the best people in civil service. Also, it has been agreed that the topic of new research in current year is Monitoring and evaluation of work of civil servants.

Holding of the next meeting of resource group has been planned for September 2009. in Macedonia, while the regular annual conference this year will be organized in Albania in October.