As a part of the project "Promoting the anti-discrimination laws and usage in BiH" which is being implemented by the association “Your rights BiH” in partnership with the Public Interest Law Institute (PILI) in Sarajevo, has today held the National conference "Combat against discrimination in BiH – strategy and activities".

The goal of the conference was providing the basis for constructive dialog on anti-discriminative legal reforms, which has been initiated by the Council of Ministers of BiH, or on the Draft Law on Prohibition of Discrimination of BiH, and presenting the different viewpoints as a support to the initiatives for the reform.

The most often reasons of discrimination, has been confirmed in the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, and on the basis of 4.500 complaints and petitions of BiH citizens, are inadequate and inappropriate standard of work of the state and public services or a wrong application of laws.

The special problem represent the laws which have not been harmonized with the International standards from the area of human rights and basic freedoms which have been accepted by BiH, or there are unequal legal solutions which as a consequence have unequal status of citizens of BiH, especially of vulnerable groups.

By the Draft Law the direct and indirect discrimination and mobbing and molestation, have been defined.

As it has been announced, the working group of the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees should soon finish the Draft Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, which will be forwarded to the Council of Ministers of BiH for deliberation.