Project number: 01-07-186/08,
Project name: Drafting of Administrative Decision Making in Bosnia and Herzegovina Quality Improvement Programme
Short description:

Overall objective

Overall objective of this project is improvement of quality of administrative decision making on all the levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purpose of establishing functional, reliable, efficient, accountable, transparent, with European standards harmonized public administration, oriented to users of services.

Purpose of the project

The purpose of this Project is establishment of more quality, more efficient and simpler practice of administrative decision making in accordance with modern European standards on all levels of authority in Bosnia and Herzegovina, oriented to services users, by application of Administrative Decision Making in BiH Quality Improvement Programme, which contains legislative, organizational, information technologies (IT), and measures for strengthening human resources.

Project Description

The Project covers the analysis of current state of affairs of administrative decision making on the level of BiH, the FBiH, the RS and the BD; comparative analysis of administrative decision making in BiH and the EU member countries which have similar legal tradition and state system as BiH and good practice of administrative decision making; proposal of measures which will be in the Programme; drafting of Programme; consultations with interested parties and draft of final proposal of the Programme in accordance with modern European standards, which will be given to the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the Republic of Srpska, the Government of the Federation of BiH and the Government of the BD for adoption. (This project will realize activities from the Action Plan 1 of the Strategy of the Public Administration Reform from the area of Administrative Procedure, which are stated in the Action Plan 1 in the chapter: AP.1.1. Administrative Procedure Simplification Strategy for the whole state)

Project Area: Administrative Procedure
Contracting Authority: Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in BiH
Implementing organization or partner: ZAMM media d.o.o. Sarajevo
Beneficiary: Main beneficiaries of the Project are: the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MJ BiH), the Ministry of Administration and Local Self Governance of the Republic of Srpska (MALSG RS), the Ministry of Justice of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (MJ FBiH) and the Office of the Mayor of the Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Sector for Legal Affairs (Sector for Legal Affairs BD). End beneficiaries of the Project are: the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (CoM BiH), the Government of the Republic of Srpska (the RS Government), the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (the FBiH Government) and the Government of the Brčko District BiH (the BD Government), and all the bodies of administration an all the levels of administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the institutions which have public authorities, when they deal with administrative affairs deciding on rights, obligations or legal interests of citizens, legal entities or other parties, as well as all the citizens within entire Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Geographical Area to be Covered/Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina (including entities and the Brčko District of BiH)
Implementation status: Finished

December 21, 2009. – October 21, 2010.; (10 months)

The project duration is extended till December 20, 2010.

Total contracted budget without VAT (in KM): 380.000,00 KM
Contracted budget by years of implementation (KM): 2010 2011 2012


380.000,00 KM  


Contact person for Donor: Maja Rudan, Expert Adviser for Administrative Procedure Area, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo, phone. 033-565-781, fax: 033-565-761, e-mail: