In this category you can find Evaluation Reports for the completed projects financed from the Public Administration Reform Fund.

The aim of evaluation is to evaluate the success of the project’s implementation after its completion, to determine its usefulness and the implications of the concrete project activities for the achievement of the project goal. The evaluation is also being conducted in order to evaluate project implementation sustainability, and to plan future projects in a more quality and effective way.

The evaluation of the projects financed from the PAR Fund is being implemented by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office’s Unit for Donor Coordination, Finances, Monitoring and Evaluation, as a body independent in the project implementation process.

The evaluation is based on the Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation of the projects financed from the PARF, which has been adopted by the PARF Management Board. This body is also adopting Evaluation Reports, after what they are becoming official source of information.

All the Evaluation Reports on the PARF projects will be published in this category.


No. Ime
1 Report on evaluation of the project Budget Menagement Information Sistem (BMIS)
2 Report on evaluation of the project „Training of Civil Servants for Application of Information Technologies and Work on Computers“
3 Report on Evaluation: “Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service in BiH”
4 Report on Evaluation: “Draft of Administrative Decision making in BiH Quality Improvement Programme”
5 Report on Evaluation: “Improvement of Rules and Procedures for Legal, Other Regulation and general Acts Drafting in BiH”
6 Report on Evaluation: “Training of the PR Officers”
7 Report on Evaluation: “Transposing EU Legislation in the Legal System of BiH”