The two day meeting of the Temporary Board for Stabilization and Association between BiH and the European Commission begins today in Sarajevo. At this meeting, the progress in implementing the obligations from the Interim Agreement, as well as the general progress in a sense of realization of priorities from the European Partnership will be deliberated, has been notified from the Directorate for European Integrations.
The announcement states that the first day of deliberation on political events should include the talk on human rights and the reign of law, cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, issues from the area of visas, information and communication policy, as well as the population, household and apartment census in BiH.
In a frame of the conversation on economic events, it will be talked about the Report on the meeting of the Sub-board for economic and financial issues, which has been held on May 25 and 26, monitoring of obligations, and the current situation of implementing the stand by arrangement of the International Monetary Fund.
The first day of this meeting will also include the conversation about the process of stabilization and association, regional cooperation, as well as the political and economic events in the EU.
The second day, in a frame of the topic on bilateral trade issues, will include the talk about the Report on the first meeting of the Subcommittee for trade, industry, customs, taxation and cooperation with other candidate countries, which has been held on March 26 and 27, monitoring of obligations, and the prohibition of importing the used vehicles.
In a frame of this topic, there will be talked about the Report on the first meeting of the Subcommittee for agriculture and fishery, which has been held on February 23 and 24, monitoring of obligations, including the structures of the IPARD.
The meeting will also include the conversation about customs, origin rules and diagonal communication.
When speaking of the implementation of other regulations on trade and trade issues from the Chapter 3 of the Interim Agreement, there will be talked about the transit traffic, or about the Report on the first meeting of the Subcommittee for traffic, which has been held on January 22 and 23, monitoring of obligations, including the issues from the area of energy and environment.
In the conversation on the internal market and competition, or on the Report on the first meeting of the Subcommittee for internal market and competition, which has been held on April 28 and 29, and monitoring of obligations, there will be a talk about the competition and civil assistance, public companies, right on intellectual ownership and banking sector.
At the end of the two-day meeting, some institutional, general and final regulations should be deliberated, the agreed protocols from meetings of the subcommittees and a schedule of the subcommittees for the upcoming year adopted, and the next meeting of the Temporary Board determined (Srna).