The first Regional Workshop on Civil Service Reform in the Western Balkans was held on 11 – 12 September 2006, in Sarajevo.
The group discussions brought up so many common problems of the civil servants in the region. The participants also share most ideas and aspirations regarding the civil service organization and functioning. They were also able to answer each others on problems of the civil service and provide practical examples. The Sarajevo workshop clearly indicated the need for comprehensive public administration reform in all countries in the region, along with the reform of civil service as one of its priorities. The civil service reform is not only enabling the successful socio-political transition from centralized to democratic governance, but is also one of the key pre-conditions for the integration into the EU.
The event was attended by some 150 participants, from seven different civil service structures in the region (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania). Mr. Adnan Terzic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Ms. Christine McNab, Resident Coordinator/Representative, UNDP BiH and H.E. Ambassador Michael Humphreys, head of EC Delegation in BiH and Mr. Gregor Virant, Minister of Public Administration of Republic of Slovenia were also present at the event. As participants from BiH, along with representatives of Civil Service Agency of BiH and Agencies of BiH Federation and Republic of Srpska, Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office staff, the key body in BiH public administration reform process, take active part in the activities of this regional workshop.
The Workshop was organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with the UNDP Bratislava Regional Office and in partnership with BiH state and entity agencies for civil service, Delegation of the European Commission and the OECD/SIGMA programme.
Successful presentation of the National Coordinator
Human recourses are the key to successful implementation of the public administration reform process" – said the national PAR Coordinator, Mr. Srdja Vranic at the workshop in Sarajevo. The first day, during panel discussions and presentations of the participant countries, Mr. Vranic, gave very a presentation of the current state of BiH public administration reform and the key aspects of civil service reform.
"Basic principles for successful reform of civil service structures are efficient human resources management, professionalism and a political attitude, permanent improvement and development, ethics and non-discrimination, and principle of merit-based employment" the PAR Coordinator accented. He further presented the current situation of this area in BiH, illustrating the different legal solutions, insufficient existing capacities, the current inadequate system of civil servant’s salaries, the unsolved issue of transfers and the lack of human recourses planning. The strategic priorities of BiH in this area, according to Mr. Vranic are: harmonization of regulations and existing procedures and practices in human recourses management, then strengthening the capacities and the role of the civil service agencies, mobility of civil servants between all levels of administration, and the development of harmonized recruitment policies. Specifically, the defined priorities of each institution are: development of capacities in the institutions, efficient and in-time planning of personnel policy, civil servants training and development, monitoring of work’s efficiency, creating new salary system and, finally, building of a uniform software solution.
"Of course, an efficient public administration and an efficient civil service are the main pre-conditions for a successful European integration process and inclusion into the European administrative space" concluded the national coordinator.
Support to the initiative for establishing the Community of Practice
The second day of the workshop was focusing on questions raised during the previous day`s panel presentations, and the accent was on the identification of the key challenges all civil service structures in the region are facing, and the propositions for possible solutions to overcome those challenges.
The workshop, therefore, divided into two thematic groups – Human resources policy and Training and development of civil service.
As a result of the workshop a Community of Practitioners was launched, in order to focus on opening a regional forum for exchange of experience, information and lessons learned. The members of the Community are local officials engaged in the PAR process, as well as representatives of the donor community and international organizations working on projects in this area. It was suggested to base the work of the Community a regular communication through a web site and on occasional meetings and similar activities initiated by the Community members.
PARCO staff was involved in both group discussions and efficient exchange of experience in the area of human resource management.
The participants of this workshop supported this initiative to establish the Community of Practice at the civil service structures level informs all countries in the region.
The PAR Coordinator’s Office in BiH gave full support to this initiative and considered it as a useful tool that will bring new quality to the PAR process and the area of human resources management of the public sector.
Download of Final report from the First Regional Conference in Sarajevo