Improvements to the monitoring report on the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform is the topic of the workshop held on Wednesday, December 20, organized by SIGMA and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO).
At the workshop, the importance of the participation of institutions in the process of public administration reform in the delivery of quality, complete data within the set deadlines was emphasized, suggestions for improving the quality of the report and shortcomings in the process of collecting data on the achieved progress and preparing the report were discussed.
Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the strategy play a significant role in informing governments and citizens about the fulfillment of obligations and the achievement of results in a certain area. Since 2007, PARCO has been preparing regular reports on the implementation of the public administration reform strategy, and is continuously improving the process of monitoring and reporting.
Reports on the progress made in the implementation of the PAR Action plan are prepared twice a year (half-yearly and annual reports) and published on the website of the PARCO, in order to ensure the transparency of government work and inform citizens about the results of the public administration reform.