In the period from May 16 – May 20, 2022 the members of the global Open Government Partnership Initiative will mark the Open Government Week where, together with civil society, the values of Open Government will be promoted: transparency, accountability, citizen participation in public policies and cooperation between civil society and government.
Over the past five years, Open Government reformers have organized more than 1,300 Open Government Week events in more than 70 countries, from public debates, to hackatons, webinars and more.
Representatives of the Open Government Partnership Advisory Council in BiH will participate in the promotion of OGP values this year, for the fourth time in a row.
On May 17, 2022 in organization of PARCO and Transparency International BiH a workshop will be held for civil servants from the institutions of BiH who participate in filling in the questionnaire on self-assessment of institutions regarding the implementation of proactive transparency standards. The next day, on May 18, 2022, the OGP Advisory Council in BiH is organizing two events for civil servants of Cantonal governments and Assemblies on improving transparency in institutions. These events will also promote the activities that the institutions intend to carry out in the next two years through the measures set out in the Action Plan for the implementation of the initiative.
BiH joined the “Open Government Partnership“ Initiative in 2014, and the first Action Plan of the Council of Ministers of BiH to implement the “Open Government Partnership“ Initiative was adopted in September 2019, for the period 2019-2021. The second Action Plan has been prepared and is expected to be adopted by the Council of Ministers of BiH.
In the Action Plan for the period 2021-2023, the emphasis is on: opening data through coordination of development of open data ecosystem (public data good), activities in the field of opening data in the field of public procurement, anti-corruption, improving budget transparency, importance of regulating issues of real ownership, increasing the transparency of information and improving the system of information exchange with citizens through the website of the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH. As citizens express the need for more accessible and transparent public administration as a key to the quality of their lives and work, the priorities of the Action Plan have been defined in accordance with the expressed needs of citizens, experience, priorities of civil society and recommendations of the international community. In addition, the measures of the Action Plan have been carefully coordinated with other public administration reform processes in order to ensure synergies and sustainability of measures. This Action Plan was considerd carefully in order to ensure the sustainability of the implemented measures, and to make the next measures and activities more ambitious than those from the previous Action Plan. All measures and activities of this Action Plan are formulated through dialogue and cooperation with representatives of civil society organizations.