The session of the PARF JMB will take place on Thursday, 27 July 2017, starting at 12.00, in the premises of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, Vrazova 9, Sarajevo.
- Verification of the Minutes of the 60th session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, held on 30 May 2017
- Quarterly report of the Public Administration Reform Fund for the period 1st April – 30 June 2017, with proposal of the Decision on giving agreement to the Quarterly report of the PARF
- Presentation of the Final report for the project “Building of capacities for combat against corruption in the structures of civil service in BiH”
- Terms of Reference “Functional overview of IC capacities in the structures of civil service in BiH” with proposal of the Decision on accepting the terms of reference
- Tender documentation for the contract on procurement of services for the project “Functional overview of IC capacities in the structures of civil service in BiH” with proposal of the Decision on giving agreement to the tender documentation
- Report on evaluation of procurement of equipment and services of development of new software solutions within implementation of the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of institution/s for regulations control and administrative barriers reduction system” with proposal of the Decision on giving agreement to the Report on evaluation of procurement
- Proposal of the Decision on award of the contract for procurement of equipment and services of development of new software solutions within implementation of the project “Establishment and/or strengthening of capacities of institution/s for regulations control and administrative barriers reduction system” with proposal of the Decision on giving agreement to the proposal of the Decision on Award of the Contract
- Information on the decisions enacted in the procedure of written harmonisation in the period between two session of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund
- Miscellaneous.