Today, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, in cooperation with the project implementer Kronauer Consulting, presented the project “Training of Information / Public Relations Officers – phase II”.
On that occasion the project objectives and activities were presented, and the trainings and the second theme conference “PR Networking II” were announced. The project is common for the level of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the Federation of BiH, the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, and it is financed by the funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund.
The intention is to analyse through the project the current condition of the capacities of the officers at all four administration levels through research of competences, knowledge, skills of the officers and to implement specialised trainings for officers, all which could have a significance for their individual and professional development – Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator, pointed out.
Ćuzulan pointed out that the public administration should no longer be only the system that provides services and information on services, but it should become an initiator of communication and gatherer of information in a way to develop and modify their services based on everyday communication with the public. That is why an investment in education of officers who deal with public relations is of exceptional significance.
“There is ongoing implementation of the activity defined within a research of competences and skills of the information / public relations officers, and establishment of the training needs from other fields significant for their work. After presentation of the research results, there will be trainings organised and there will be the second theme conference “PR Networking II”, added Nermin Podžić, project team leader.
“Project users will use the acquired knowledge and improve their skills in their future professional engagement. This is the first time that the beneficiaries of the project, and all the civil servants employed on the posts of information / public relations officers, were provided with the opportunity to express their needs, thus directly influencing the contents of the trainings”, concluded Boris Pupić, expert associate for public relations, information and publishing of the Labour and Employment Agency of BiH.
Beneficiaries of the project are also all the employees in the institutions and civil service / administration bodies at the level of the institutions of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the FBiH, the Government of the RS and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, who deal with the affairs of public relations, and the key institutions, bearers of the project activities, are the Information Service of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Public Relations Office of the Government of the FBiH, the Public Relations Bureau of the Government of the RS and the Information Sector of the Government of the BD BiH.
Implementation of the activities of the project contributes to fulfilment of the objectives from the reform area of Institutional Communication of the revised Action Plana 1 of the Public Administration Reform Strategy.