The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office published so far at the website a series of documents from the field of budget transparency.
Among other things, salaries of employees in the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office have been published as well. The document in local language can be downloaded here.
A step forward to promotion of proactive transparency as a standard of good administration was made in mid 2015, when four institutions at the state level decided to raise the transparency of their own institutions at a significantly higher level. This initiative was started within the programme of Strengthening of Public Institutions, which by the commission of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and it included four institutions: the Statistics Agency of BiH, the Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of BiH, the Directorate for European Integration and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office.
These institutions, in cooperation with the civil society organisations, drafted the documents: Proactive Transparency Policy in Public Administration in BiH and Standards of Proactive Transparency in Public Administration. Documents are available in local languages and can be seen here.
Document Proactive Transparency Policy in Public Administration was designed not only to initiate publication of information significant for work of the beneficiary institutions, but also a more intensive information exchange with their clients. The recommendations the document offers can be applicable for all the administration institutions and the publicly owned bodies. Therefore its indirect objective is for the beneficiary institutions to serve by their own example as an initiator for increase of the level of publication of the work of the institutions in BiH, sharing the gained experience and knowledge on proactive transparency in the domain of communication through the structures for public administration reform and multipliers of public opinion.
The document “Standards of proactive transparency in public administration sets in detail standard information for proactive publication, divided by types of information and levels of maturity, which is based on the best practices in this field and on modern needs.
The Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office committed last year to gradually meet all the standards of proactive transparency, and/or to upload on the website the information of public significance.