The first meeting of the Management Board of 'Development of Information System for Public Procurement Notices (GO PROCURE)' Project has been held on September 17, 2009 in Sarajevo, at the European Commission's Delegation premises. The Inception Report of the Project, which is being implemented by SRC Ltd, and InfoDom, Ltd, was discussed at the meeting.
The Project has started in August, 2009, with the aim of developing capacities for introduction of electronic Public Procurement procedures in Bosnia and Herzrgovina. Establishment of the information system that enables electronic publishing of Public Procurement Notices is planned through this Project, and that will contribute to development of capacities for professional management of Public Procurements, in accordance to practice and standards of the Europan Union Member States. In the scope of this Project, specifications of software necessary for introduction of e-Public Procurements information system will be determined.
The direct beneficiaries of the Project are Public Procurement Agency and Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Realisation of this Project will, through the usage of information technology, ssignificantly ease the actions of the Contracting Authorities in the Public Procurement procedures.