The Seminar on the beginning of the implementation of the PAR Strategy Action Plan 1 in the area of Institutional communications, organized by the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, took place in Sarajevo, on June 26th.
The participants were the representatives of: Department for informing of the BiH Council of Ministers, FBiH and Brcko District of BiH Governments, Public Administration Reform Coordinators from the BiH, FBiH and Brcko District level, the representatives of DfID, European Commission Delegation in BiH, Directorate for European Integrations, Project TA to the PARCO, and the representatives of PARCO.
The Seminar was envisaged as an initial gathering of the representatives from the institutions that will be the protagonists of the reform in this area, with the focus on the PAR Strategy and Action Plan, and theirs chapters on Institutional communication. The goals of the Seminar was the introduction of participants with the conclusions of PARCO ensued from the analysis of current situation in this reform sector, presentation of previous activities and progress, as well as the implementation structure for the implementation of AP1 measures in this area. The identification and discussion of the priority activities which should be conducted at once was underlined as a key result of this seminar
Basic guidelines of the PP1 in the area of Institutional Communication were presented to the participants of the seminar, as well as the significance of the IC reform. It was pointed out that in the IC sector there are 16 priority areas, 22 sub – areas, 78 different measures.
As a special thematic area of the seminar, the presentation "Experiences of Great Britain in the area of IC", held by Mr. Gordon Harrison, DfID expert, was conditioned. That presentation pointed out the significance of establishment of the central portal of administration; significance of gathering feedback information from the citizens; and significance of theirs interest for the issues from the are of Public Administration. The lack of capacities in the IC area ( common problem of all levels of Institutional Communication) is possible to overcome with the engaging of additional staff, raising of the officers’ efficiency through trainings, and with the change of methodology of work.
The Seminar was estimated as successful from the side of participants, and It was concluded that it represents a good base and good introduction for further work on Public Administration reform in this area.
Photos from this event u can find in our Category Image Gallery / PARCO Seminar on IC