
1. Everything in one place
2. Efficient services
3. Electronic (online) services
4. Interoperability
5. Electronic signature
6. Cybersecurity
7. Digital registers
8. Catalog of services
9. ePayment

The specific goal in the field of service delivery is focused on reform processes that will transform public administration oriented towards users, by expertly monitoring and understanding their needs and expectations, and based on this, improving business processes and administrative procedures, reducing the administrative burden, enabling the availability of services different channels of communication, while ensuring high quality and reducing the price of the service. In order to realize the aforementioned strategic goal, it is necessary to implement a series of measures, which will be ensured by the implementation of a series of sets of activities. In order to be able to improve the services provided by public administration institutions to citizens and business entities, it is primarily necessary to establish a system for managing the quality of the services provided. Administrative levels with the required and anticipated level of mutual coordination will define their approaches through quality management policies and choose ways that will enable institutions to provide their services faster, better, cheaper and reduce the overall burden on those to whom these services are provided. There are two key systems that will put the end users in focus, namely the systems for measuring user satisfaction and the system for determining user needs. In order to prevent user discrimination and reduce the level of arbitrary behavior, it is planned to define and apply the quality standards of the provided services that contribute to the construction of an integral system for Customer Relationship Management – CRM (Customer relationship management). The aforementioned system for managing relations with users is a link to activities related to improving the availability of services through various communication channels.

There are several key activities that are prerequisites for the establishment of a complete system of providing services both physically and electronically, and in terms of the establishment of a rounded and complete system of eGovernment. The usability of all building blocks of eGovernment will be confirmed on a priority set of services that will previously be optimized, digitized and automated to the maximum level of digital maturity. The establishment of the Service Catalog will lay a key foundation as a building block for more advanced interaction between citizens and business entities with the public administration, but also between institutions at the same or different administrative level. The service sharing center as a concept and operational platform will reduce time and resources for those who access and provide services. The key benefits that will be achieved by the establishment of Shared Services Centers derive from the benefits of unifying the key IT infrastructure of public administration (eg Cloud infrastructure based on policies for cloud computing). This group of key activities also includes services such as the unique Public Administration Bus (GSB from the English compound Government service bus), eInboxes and ePayment. By strengthening the existing coordinations for Interoperability, the lack of coordination within and between administrative levels will be solved in an institutional sense by forming coordinations for interoperability at certain administrative levels where such a working group does not exist. In the same sense, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of the Interdepartmental Working Group for interoperability between different administrative levels. In addition, the coordination and exchange of knowledge, practices and experiences will be strengthened with platforms such as the Catalog of IT projects in order to realize and rationalize investments. In order to enable operational functioning, overall utilization and sustainability of all basic systems, it is necessary to draft legal proposals for the basic infrastructure in question.

The issue of organizational capacity and specific competences for managing the digitization process needs to be resolved by the formation of administrative bodies for the digitization of public administration at the level of BiH, entities and BD BiH. In the organizational sense, it is necessary to define proposals for a set of benefits for deficit jobs that are needed for activities or projects related to digitization in public administration. Administrative levels in BiH included in the Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform will define their priorities for the development of electronic services by creating strategic and planning documents related to eGovernment. Harmonization and coordination of the approach to the development of electronic services will be ensured by the development and application of methodology and criteria for prioritizing electronic services, and harmonization in implementation will be ensured by respecting the basic principles of the design of electronic services and the principles of the Interoperability Framework. Strategies for eGovernment of administrative levels will contain a list of services that will be ranked by impact and importance for society, and which need to be optimized and digitized.

At the same time, we should not lose sight of the fact that the key progress will not be achieved by digitizing already existing non-optimized processes, and therefore the activities of reengineering and optimization of business processes are also planned. In order for citizens and users to use all the services offered, promotion is necessary, as well as creating trust in the safety and reliability of state services once these services start to be used. So-called trust services, such as e.g. electronic identification through the establishment and operation of credible – qualified certification bodies (CA from the English word Certification Authority), but also a secure environment for providing services electronically (data protection and security, protection of personal data privacy and business data secrecy).

A key burden placed on citizens and business entities is the taking over of documentation from one and delivering it to another institution at the same or different administrative level. For this reason, the activity of exchanging data, messages and documents through the establishment of a web service is planned, while again at the level of institutions, the exchange of documents will be enabled through an advanced solution for document management (DMS from the English word Document Management System), which corresponds to the establishment of own and common interoperability and will be an integral part of the shared infrastructure. The basic resource needed to establish an efficient service provision system, either electronically or through the usual means, are public registers. For this reason, the modernization of key registers is planned, e.g. registers of registers, registers of business entities and legal entities, registers of spatial data. Based on the results of the modernized registers and existing regulations, the possibilities for public use of the data at the disposal of the administration will be facilitated (Open data, English compound Open data).

The perception that citizens have about the services provided is largely the result of the complex relationship between the law on administrative procedure and special procedural norms in the laws that regulate the realization of specific rights, that is, the realization of obligations. Laws on administrative procedure represent the basic laws applied by public administration bodies when deciding on the rights and obligations of citizens and business entities and represent the basis for the protection of citizens’ rights. Information and analysis of the application of the law on general administrative procedure will be input information for the continuous process of simplification of ZUP, which will not be an obstacle to digital transformation, but its foundation and driver. Bearing in mind the number of administrative procedures conducted before all institutions of public administration in BiH, it is necessary to constantly build capacity for the application of ZUP through continuous training programs for managers of administrative procedures, which together will represent a systemic package of activities, aimed at a coordinated and continuous improvement of the administrative-legal framework necessary for the transformation of public administration institutions that provide public services to citizens and all other interested parties.