The Public Administration Reform in BiH Coordinator’s Office has been established by the Decision of the Council of Ministers in October 2004 , following the recommendation of the Feasibility Study for BiH. Establishment of the Office was a response to the needs of citizens for more efficient and more accountable public administration on all the levels of government, capable to accept the obligations in the process of Euro integrations of BiH.
The office is a driving force of the public administration reform in BiH, and its most important role is to coordinate reform activities between Council of Ministers, entity governments and government of Brčko District, closely cooperating with the Delegation of European Commission in BiH.
The Office made, and governments on all the levels in 2006 adopted the National Strategy of Public Administration Reform and Action Plan 1 with measures for its implementation. Based on the aforementioned strategic documents, the Office coordinates, directs and follows the public administration reform, in order to make its improved organisational structure, with the application of the best European practices, capable to implement the entire process of Euro integrations of BiH and become a part of the European administrative space. One of the tasks of the Office is management of the Public Administration Fund as well.
The vision of the Office is an improvement of the services of the authority by the means of the reformed public administration, and mission is initiation, coordination and promotion of the reform on all the levels, with an objective of protection of the interests of the citizens of BiH. One of the tasks of the Office is also the management of the Public Administration Reform Fund.
The work of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office is transparent and includes regular reporting to supervisors, cooperation with civil society and media, and public promotion of public administration reform as well as the accomplished progress.
Organizational structure of the office is defined by the Rulebook on internal organization and systematization of posts in the PARCO.