Oslobođenje: The Federal Government has after deliberation accepted the information on possibilities and justifications of the introduction of fiscal counters in the FBiH, which has been prepared by the working authority of the FBiH Government.

It has been concluded in the information that the introduction of fiscal counters has been justified, with the proposal to use the system GPRS. The reasons for such standpoint are in the fact that the grey economy would be significantly suppressed this way, the fiscal discipline would be increased, and the right insight into the fiscal obligations and realistically achieved exchange in retail sale would be reached. By introducing the counters, the system of non-cash payment would also be improved and the exchange with the European standards would be harmonized.

In harmonization with these proposals, the Government has adopted the decision on initiating the procedure of introducing the fiscal counters in the FBiH and at the same time it would nominate the working authority for analysis of existing and drafting the new regulations from this area, has been notified from the Public Relations Office of the FBiH Government.