Nezavisne novine: Integrated coordination of borders will not be an obstacle for BiH to fulfill the obligations of the European Commission because the control and technical conditions at the state border are already better.

Transit for animals

Drago Nedić, director of the Veterinary office of BiH, has said that the regional cooperation by coordination of borders is important, and that BiH according to the agreements with neighboring countries needs to reduce the number of border transits for the animals and commodities of the animal origin. "It has been agreed to have with Croatia two transits with the sanitary-veterinary control on Doljani and Gradiška, while with Serbia only one, in Rača", Nedić has said.

This has been said by Tarik Sadović, Minister of Security of BiH at yesterday's conference, where the Strategy of integrated coordination of border has been presented. He said that for the implementation of this strategy 200 million KM should be ensured.

"Situation with our budgets has been known, but we expect that we will have the money needed for the strategy implementation, and that we will be supported by the European Commission and our friendly countries, whose diplomats have participated at this conference", Sadović has said.

Mijo Krešić, Deputy Minister of Security of BiH, has said that the deadline for implementation of the strategy is five years, and that he expects the control of state border by the European standards will be established.

Sadović has reminded that the Center for risk analysis has recently been established, which the European Commission has supported by 800.000 Euros.

"The space for this center, which is of a huge significance for blocking the cross-border crime, has been ensured by the Bordering police of BiH, and the equipment is already being obtained", has been said by Sadović, who is also a chairman of the State commission for integrated coordination of border.

He has added that the goal is to establish the control of borders and make them closed to the crime, but open them for a safe and efficient flow of people and commodities.