Dnevni avaz: The Federal Prime Minister, Nedžad Branković claims that little less than 120 million KM, which will the FBiH receive by decision of the Fiscal Council of BiH on temporary distribution of funds on the basis of recession, will not be spent on ongoing spending, but on payment of priority debts of the Government of the FBiH.

– We must preserve a rate of economic growth, moderate social tensions and keep work positions. Because of that the biggest part of money will be used for agricultural funds, ongoing investment works, and we will also pay in the debts to the PDI Fund of around 12 million KM – has been said for "Dnevni avaz" by Branković.

According to him, in two months there has been expected a completion of all works at today's route of highway by Kakanj, and in order for us to avoid the stoppages, there has been levied a tender for the next nine kilometers towards Zenica. There has also been quickened a process of receiving the license for building and business expropriations.

– Besides that, in this year it will start building of another part of the Sarajevo detour – Branković has said.

Since in the last month or two the meeting of leading people of the FBiH Government with the chairman and deputy chairman of the FBiH, Borjana Krišto, Mirsad Kebo and Spomenka Mičić has been scheduled and canceled, the actual question of nominating of around 50 persons in different supervisory boards and to director positions, it will probably be unlocked.

– Ministers are obligated to make plans and propose, in accordance to the laws, the candidates, in order for the Government to pronounce itself on this issue – Branković has said.