Dnevni avaz: The chairman of the Presidency of BiH, Nebojša Radmanović has yesterday in Sarajevo said that he believes that this year is a key one for BiH and for other countries of region to decisively step into the European integrations.

By speaking at the opening of the Regional conference "2009.- European year of Balkans", which has been organized by the European movement in BiH, Radmanović has said that BiH has conditions to apply in a middle of this year for a candidate status for membership in the EU, but that "it depends on those who make decisions".

– Our responsibility is to fulfill all the set goals, and responsibility of the EU is to approve those efforts. For getting closer to the EU it is a priority to close and transform the OHR as an inappropriate institution in integrative processes – Radmanović has said.

Beriz Belkić, chairman of the House of Representatives of BiH of the Parliament of BiH, has said that this is a year of truth "in which we must face ourselves". He has pointed out that the Parliament of BiH must revise its relation towards some addictions.

The Czech Ambassador in BiH, Jirzi Kudela, whose country presides by the EU, has said that each next year will be the European one for this region, but that 2009. is a big chance for getting closer. He has warned that each year which has not been used well, is a lost year.

– Europe fulfills its promises and many friends are ready to help BiH – has been said by a chief of the European Commission Delegation in BiH, Dimitris Kourkoulas. He thinks that BiH can achieve what has been achieved by other countries.