Dnevni avaz: From January 1st to December 1st, last year, the state delegates have spent 443.000 KM on travel expenditures. Besides that, it should also be taken into consideration that the whole August they have been on vacation, which means that this figure relates to only ten months.

Members of boards

The delegate, who spent the most for her 11 trips out of BiH, is delegate of the SBiH, Azra Hadžiahmetović – 32.687,69 KM. Even though he has spent less, a real recorder with 14 trips is a delegate of the HDZBiH, Branko Zrno, for which 21.591 KM has been paid from the state counter.

From Banja Luka to Sarajevo 443 KM?!

In the list of figures, which have been delivered to us on the expenditures of trips of the state delegates, there is only one thing inacceptable – how do the costs of using the personal vehicles of BiH parliamentarians get calculated. In such mathematics, it is impossible to defeat Dušanka Majkić from the SNSD, who has for only one ride from Banja Luka to Sarajevo collected even 443.03 KM?! Relation from Mostar to Sarajevo, according to documentation we received, does not always cost the same. So, Ivo Miro Jović has in January for that relation collected 222, and 121 KM in May, while in the same month, for the same relation Raguž has been given 117 KM. Drago Kalabić, because he uses his own vehicle to come from Doboj to Sarajevo, collects 365, and Miro Okolić for the same relation collects 303, while Zorić from Grude to Zagreb collects 496 KM.  From Sokolac to Sarajevo, Zoran Koprivica collects for his own driving in his own vehicle 44.95 KM.

His colleague, delegate Vinko Zorić, records 12 trips, for which has been spent more than 22.000 KM. Ivo Miro Jović, also from the HDZBiH, has collected for his trips more than 19.500 KM.

There was no saving in the SDA either. Delegate Halid Genjac has for his nine trips spent 18.259 KM, and almost identical sum of money relates to the chairman of the SDA, Bakir Izetbegović.  

When speaking of the members of the House of Representatives board, representative of the SNSD, Milorad Živković has collected for his trip expenditures almost 20.000, then follow Beriz Belkić from the SBiH, with more than 18.000, while Niko Lozančić from the HDZBiH has spent around 11.000 KM. In a board of the House of Peoples the worst ones have been Ilija Filipović with around 27.000, then Mladen Ivanić from the PDP, who has collected 15.744, while Sulejman Tihić from the SDA for only three trips has spent 9.930 KM.

Alma Čolo from SDA has spent more than 12.000, Savo Erić from the SDS more than 15.000, and Mirjana Malić from the SDP more than 11.000 KM.  

There were trips everywhere. Živković, Belkić and Filipović have in March spent seven days on Cuba under the slogan of visit of the assembly, for which has been spent 13.728 KM. Čolo and Zrno have spent two days in Bahrain because of the Forum Kran Montana, for which has been paid more than 6.000 KM. For participation on the Annual congress of the National democratic party of Egypt in Cairo, Belkić, Velimir Jukić and Lazar Prodanović have spent more than 8.000 KM.

Tennis ceremony

Also, Tihić himself has under the slogan of meeting with a leader of the Group of friendship between BiH and France has spent seven days in Paris and spent 4.445 KM.

Šefik Džaferović, Branko Dokić and Martin Raguž have last May in Germany spent 2.262 KM on study trip on "German federalism". For signing the Stabilization and Association Agreement, which has last year been attended in Luxemburg by Lozančić, Belkić and Filipović, almost 7.500 KM has been spent.

Through the trips, parliamentarians have also shown their sport spirit. So, Prodanović and Zoran Koprivica have gone to Krakow to participate at the world competition in marathon, for what has been spent more than 1000 KM. Also, 8.161 KM has been spent by Raguž and Dokić for trip to Russia, where they have participated at ceremony of marking the 100 years of establishing the Russian federation of tennis.