Nezavisne novine: All the master offices in BiH are not electronically connected yet, but in the Identification Documents, Data Exchange and Evidence Agency of BiH (IDDEEA) they expect that the municipalities will finish this job in the stated deadline – by May 1st.

Siniša Macan, director of the IDDEEA, has reminded that this is one of the segments for fulfilling the conditions in the process of liberalization of visa regime.

"Some municipalities have had the problems with budgets and have not finished this job for which they are obligated since April last year. Because of that we have tried to ensure a donation and it is very predictable that this job will be finished by the assistance of the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)", has been said by Macan.

He has reminded that around 90% of municipalities are already electronically connected, and the obligation is to connect in this way all the master offices in BiH. Biometric passports will not be issued unless the whole work around electronic connecting and verification of data which are being issued by master offices, has been done.