Nezavisne novine:  For spreading out inappropriate content by the internet sites in BiH, as are invitations to assault, hatred, war, intolerance, nobody gets penalized, even though BiH is a signatory of the International convention on cyber crime.

From the Regulatory Communication Agency (RAK) they have said that a question of regulating of content, by including advertisements at internet portals as well, is not in their competency.  

"By provisions of the Law on communications, RAK is competent for issuing of communication licenses, and the adoption of rules in the area of emissions and telecommunications, as well as for their insurance. When speaking of the internet, Agency can only issue a license for service providers in that area", has been said by Amela Odobašić, spokesperson of RAK.

According to the International convention on cyber crime, which has been ratified by BiH in 2006., each Member State is obligated to insert into its national law provisions by which intentional assisting or encouraging for execution of some violation characterizes as a crime act.

"The court is authorized for content. If the court dictates to user to remove from their server the content, for which it has been determined that it is improper, assaulting, damaging, user is obligated without adjournments to act according to such decision", has been explained by Odobašić.

Psychologists warn that such contents, especially when it is about younger generations, can impact their behavior, stimulate aggressive behavior, since the internet is only one of the most present media and more or less available to everyone. Experts say that by ever-day reading such content, usually followed by "adequate" images and videos, can leave long-lasting consequences on youth, and shape their visions of world.

In the Ministry of Security of BiH they have said that the Criminal Code of BiH does not contain provisions related to crime commitments of cyber crime, stipulated by convention, except for provisions by which it has been prescribed penalizing for child pornography and violation of copyrights.

In the Banja Luka Regional Tribunal they have not heard yet that someone has been "criminally chased because of this violation, except for cases of child pornography and invasion on someone else's computer systems".

In the Ministry of Justice of BiH they say that by the end of month they will put on deliberation the new draft law on cyber crime related to this problem, on which it will also be worked by experts of the Council of Europe for these issues.

"By the new law, some prison and financial penalties will surely be prescribed. We still cannot say anything concrete on new law, but it is sure that the regulations from the Convention on cyber crime will be inserted in the new law", has been said by Marina Bakić, spokesperson of the Ministry of Justice of BiH.

According to the experts, whole operation goes over hosting, part of computer which constantly must be on internet, while a domain is the official name of site, which is being leased by the world organizations which deal with it.

Vladimir Kežić from the Banja Luka company for creation of internet sites "3 Steps ICT" says that big companies mostly rent hosting because of huge prices of these operations.

"That way hosting can be possessed for 50 KM per year. This way, many organizations or individuals, which design the sites at which are inappropriate contents, come to hosting", Kežić has said.

He reminds that those who deal with putting such things on internet, are being registered by off-sure companies, which are out of reach of any kind of tax system, because of which such problems usually become international.   

"Those companies, owners of hosting, have a right to protect the privacy of their clients, so it is very hard to investigate such things. But, real experts with little more effort can very easily uncover such violators", Kežić has concluded.