Project number:
Project name: Civic Advocacy Partnership Program (CAPP)
Short description: Program aims to help local NGOs and civic organizations strengthen their advocacy, coalition building, and watch-dog capacities, and to address citizen needs through education, advocacy, and the provision of services. The project will provide grants to local NGOs to advocate for policy changes and to monitor the commitment of elected leaders to implement promised policies and legislation. CAPP will also provide direct assistance to support concrete community-based civic advocacy activities as well as give assistance to the Teledom Association and network of Teledoms in BiH. In 2006, CAPP supported a movement of 400 local NGOs and interest groups which voiced citizens’ concerns to political leaders through the creation of a citizens’ election platform signed by 25% of registered voters. CAPP now focuses on issues included in the platform such as: unemployment, poverty reduction, pensions, oversight of public funds and services, European integration, public funding of NGOs and education on the role of NGOs in society.
Project Area: Institutional communication
Donor: USAID
Implementing organization or partner: Center for Civic Initiative (CCI)
Implementation status: Completed
Duration: August 2005-August 2008
Total Budget (€): 2,330,180.00 (USD 3,300,000.00)
Budget by years of implementation ($): 2005 2006 2007


Contact person for Donor: Kasey Vannett, USAID Sarajevo, Hamdije Ćemerlića 39, phone:+387 33 702 300,