With the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Gender Center of the Federation of BiH and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO), cooperation between the two institutions begins to improve quality management, within the Program for Strengthening Public Institutions, in behalf of govrements of Germany and United Kingdom is implemented by the German GIZ.
The director of the Gender Center of FBiH, Ana Vuković, said that this center is oriented towards its users, because within the Government of FBiH, it performs work on the promotion of human rights and freedoms of women and men, boys and girls.
With the technical support of PARCO, as well as the Infohouse Foundation, the Gender Center of FBiH will in the coming period work on establishing a methodology and questionnaires for examining customer satisfaction with the work of this institution.
“With this signature on the Memorandum, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office shows its commitment to more efficient and effective public administration at all levels in BiH. Measuring customer satisfaction is a very important tool in public administration in Europe, especially in establishing two-way communication between public administration, and its users “, points out the coordinator for public administration reform in BiH, Dragan Ćuzulan.
Citizens should say, he emphasizes, what they expect from the institutions, to evaluate their work, but also that the institutions take into account constructive criticism from the public and adopt measures that will improve their work, the Infohouse Foundation announced.