Altough the legal framework for performance management, reflected primarily in the form of civil servants performance evaluation, exist at the state level management, the systematic application of regulations in this area does not exist in the practice.

Different institutions have different ways of assessing civil servants performance, followed by the lack of objective evaluation criteria, which leads to problems in the implementation of the individual evaluation process. Also it is recognized existing of strong resistance to the Institute of assessment at all. in some institutions.

The main objective of the project "Development of Performance Management System in the Structures of Civil Service of BiH“ is to improve performance, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the Civil Service work, through improving of the existing system of performance management at different government levels. By project implementation it will be provided support for an Action Plan for implementing public administration reform in BiH, also giving the contribution of the implementation of the Strategy for Public Administration Reform in BiH in order to meet European Union membershiop commitments.

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