The members of the Joint Management Board of the Public Administration Reform Fund, at the session held today in Sarajevo, gave agreement to the terms of reference and the tender documentation for implementation of the new project in the field of Institutional Communication – “Functional overview of IC capacities in the structures of civil service in BiH”.
The purpose of the project is reflected in implementation of public opinion research regarding practices of strategic communication of the institutions at the level of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Government of the Federation of BiH, the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Government of the Brčko District of BiH, with a special accent on the results and effects of implementation of the strategic framework so far – Strategies / Communication plans of the CoM BiH, the entity governments and the Government of the BD BiH, in order to gain a general picture on the condition of implementation and the effects of implementation of the strategic framework for communications.
The purpose of the project is also monitoring of work of the officers who deal with communication, their improvement, maintenance of capacities of institutional communication in the institutions, regular reporting in public in accordance with the law, development of cooperation of institutions and improvement of communication with the civil society.
Direct beneficiaries of the project are central information / public relations units – Information Service of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Public Relations Office of the Government of the Federation of BiH, the Public Relations Bureau of the Government of the Republic of Srpska and the Information Sector of the Government of the Brčko District of BiH.
The PARF JMB members who attended the session adopted also the Quarterly report of the Public Administration Reform Fund. In the report, it was stated that in the last three months of this year the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Government of the Federation of BiH paid in the PARF a total of BAM 320,000, and the amount of around BAM 1,325,000 was withdrawn for payment for implementation of the projects.