The conference on the occasion of completion of the project “Specialist Training Programme for IT Managers”, which was financed by the Public Administration Reform Fund, implemented by the Akademika d.o.o Sarajevo, was held today in Sarajevo. The project worth BAM 204,048.00 covered a total of 86 trainings, for three modules of specialist trainings: 15 PMP trainings (Project Management Professional), 47 trainings for ITIL basics (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) and 24 trainings for PRINCE2 basics (Projects In Controlled Environments, version 2).
The training beneficiaries were the civil servants from the institutions and administration bodies from the level of the institutions of the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Federation of BiH, the Republic of Srpska and the Brčko District of BiH, who plan and implement the projects and the activities, and manage the services in the field of information technologies.
Doc. Dragan Ćuzulan, PhD, public administration reform coordinator in BiH, pointed out that the final objective of this project was improvement of quality of the implemented IT projects and the activities in the civil service, and through that, the overall effects achieved by them.
“Introduction of e-administration and transformation of the existing business models by using information technologies is a very complex process, which requires also a quickened strengthening of capacities of IT managers in the civil service for managing e-services and projects. It is very significant for the institutions to plan in their budgets the funds for these or similar trainings, because the trainings are a continuous process”, Ćuzulan pointed out.
“After the completed training, the candidates took the final certification exams, and 53 IT managers from the civil service gained internationally recognised certificates, which represent a standard for management of IT projects and services: 2 PMP managers, 31 ITIL Foundation manager and 20 PRINCE2 Foundation managers“, said Mr Amir Mulalić, project team leader.
Project implementation took nine months, from January to September 2016. The training was implemented in Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Brčko, and tests to acquire certificates took place in the accredited international test centres: VUE test centre in Sarajevo and PROMETRIC test centre in Belgrade.