Dnevni avaz: Delegation of the Directorate for enlargement of the European Union, led by Dirk Lange, head of the department for BiH and Albania, will visit this week BiH, as the “Dnevni avaz” found out.

Lange will talk with the BH officials on implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA), which soon will be signed, but also on continuation of reforms from the package of European Partnership for BiH.

It is expected that Lange will warn that after fulfillment of conditions for signing the SAA, BiH must continue with the reforms and gather information for annual European Commission progress report of BiH on the European road. The European Commission publishes report every autumn for every state respectively.

Opening of new facilities

As we found out, the new headquarters of the European Commission in Sarajevo will be opened on June 4. The EC Delegation in Sarajevo uses for some time now new facilities in the building in Skenderija, in the center of Sarajevo, but official opening is waited on. It is expected that this event will be attended also by Pierre Myrel, director of the Directorate for Enlargement of the EU.