Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – The European Commission notified the BiH authorities that from May 26 this year starts application of the road map for liberalization of the visa regime for BH citizens. This was confirmed yesterday by the chairman of the Council of Ministers Nikola Špirić.

“I think this is the good news for BiH. Equally as effort of the European Commission to put in force the interim agreement between BiH and the EU, which will be in force until the end of the process of ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement, from July 1st this year”, said Špirić.

The Council of Ministers adopted yesterday series of reports and information related with European integrations, i.e. meetings with representatives of the EU. Ministers did not adopt the report from the tenth meeting of the Reform Process Monitoring (RPM) because, as Špirić said, member of the Council of the Regulatory Agency for Communications, Mahir Hadžiahmetović, stated series of untruths on the manner of election of the director of the RAC.

“We will start the procedure of accountability of the member of the Council of the RAC, because he stated series of untruths about the country he receives his salary from. That is simply unacceptable”, Špirić said.

The Council of Ministers yesterday also adopted the Report on the work of the Intelligence-Security Agency of BiH and annual intelligence platform.

Špirić yesterday said that there are no problems in payments of salaries to the employees in the Institute for Missing Persons of BiH, “because they only have to harmonize their Rulebook with the decisions of the Council of Ministers”.

Attempt of establishment of units for European integrations again failed

The Council of Ministers at yesterday’s session did not establish units for European integrations with state institutions, Špirić confirmed.

“The Ministers stated series of very useful suggestions, so we decided to postpone declaration on this decision for the next session. In the mean time we will talk also with the representatives of the entities and the Brčko District, in order to strengthen capacities of all the institutions included in the process of European integrations”, said Šprić. The Council of Ministers earlier, also unsuccessfully, tried to adopt the decision on establishment of the units for European integrations.