Dnevni avaz: Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of 13 countries of the world which do not have women on minister positions on the state level, said yesterday in Sarajevo Boonie Miller, university professor, human rights advocate and wife of the former USA ambassador to BiH, Thomas Miller.

That means that BiH is in the company of Libya, Saudi Arabia and other countries in which women rights are on lower level, and I am certain that you do not want to be in that club – said Miller.

She was one of the participants of the yesterday’s round table on the topic “Women as a decision making factor in BiH and media”, whose goal was an open conversation on the problems with which BH women are facing and possible modes of exit from the system of male domination.

In conversation, which was organised by the Foundation “Aid Net”, participants were also Lamija Tanović, Svetlana Cenić, Semiha Borovac, Mediha Filipović, Amila Omersoftić, Besima Borić, Mirjana Deak and others.