Nezavisne novine: SARAJEVO – Union of Disabled and Handicapped Persons in BiH asks from legislation and executive authority of the Federation of BiH decrease of expenditure of administration which is being by the money intended for social categories.

“In the FBiH there are Ministry of Work and Social Policy and Ministry for Veteran Affairs. Same condition is in the cantons and municipalities, so we have too big, but inefficient administration which spends huge money intended for disabled and handicapped persons”. This was released from the Union of Disabled and Handicapped Persons in BiH.

This Union is proposing to have urgently reformed social administration by joining these two ministries in order to have smaller, but more efficient administration.

They state that alarming state of deficit of budget assets, which is threatening with swift bankruptcy of the FBiH, as always is reflected first on payment of disability provisions.

“Especially difficult condition is with civilian disabled, who from submission of the request to exercising of the rights have to wait for up to two years. All this points that the FBiH urgently has to undertake measures with an objective of establishment of efficient social system”, was added in the release.