Nezavisne novine: BANJALUKA – In the first half of this year the Government of the Republic of Srpska has confirmed more laws than in the whole 2007, but it is also the main cause of an upsettingly low level of efficacy of the National Assembly of the RS. This is the grade of monitoring which has been performed by the Centers for Civil Initiatives (CCI) for these institutions.
In the CCI they state that in the first six months of this year the work of the Government of the RS and the Ministry for Health and Social Protection with the leading minister Ranko Škrbić which has been stuck in the first part of year, drastically creates the latency in realization of work program of the Assembly of the RS.
“Minister Škrbić has not realized the expected, significant laws from the social and health protection, and the health insurance, although, which is more tragic, these laws have been planned in the Work Program of minister Škrbić for 2007”, has been said by Majda Behrem-Stojanov, spokesperson of the CCI.
Too big significance to the NGO
Milorad Dodik, the prime minister of the RS, has said that he is not against the work of the non-governmental organizations, but too big significance has been given to them.
“Those who have not passed the structure of the Government in some earlier period, cannot be aware of capacity of that work”, Dodik has said.
From the other side, positive grades for work have received the minister for justice of the RS, Džerard Selman, minister for finance of the RS, Aleksandar Džombić and minister for pension affairs and veteran-invalid protection of the RS, Boško Tomić.
“Selman has realized 100% of his work program, and minister Tomić has succeeded to find a way to increase the pensions, connect the years of service of employed in the factories which are in the bankruptcy process, and he works on solving housing issues of the veterans and increasing the pensions for disabled. Although Džombić has complex financial programs, he realizes them in harmony with the current regulations“, she has said. She also pointed out that the big differences in obligations of individual ministers towards their own work have been noticed. So some ministries have not even planned the laws for the first six months.
Nevertheless, work of the Government which has in the first half of 2008 realized 78% of pledged program, has been graded positively. This was a very good result.
When speaking of work of members of the National Assembly of the RS, in the CCI they state that the difference from 2007, when the members have not shown an interest for an active involvement, in 2008 the situation has been drastically changed in a positive way.