Dnevni avaz: The Ministry of the Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of BiH prepares the measures by which the problem created by demand of the European Union to abolish regulation on veto of import of vehicles older than seven years should be solved, finds out “Dnevni avaz”. The European Commission asks to abolish the veto on the basis of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA).

Accuracy check

In cooperation with the project of technical assistance of the EU, the Ministry has come to an option according to which the abolishment of that decision could be adjourned, and then the temporary regulation as the one in the countries of region, could be applied.

By this measure, as it has been proposed from the Ministry, the expenditures of registration of older vehicles would be significantly higher from the new ones, and the control of technical accuracy would be sharper.

It has been considered that those temporary measures would be enough to block the danger that BiH once again becomes full of old vehicles from the countries of the EU.

In the meantime, we would have to establish the institution which would implement the process of so-called homologation, which is necessary for BiH to change the standards of the EU in this area. This is the process of testing, grading and confirming if the vehicle or some part of it, or equipment is appropriate for demands and directives of the EU, and could they be used. It is about the process which is being implemented by authorized institutions, which exist in all countries in Europe, except for BiH. Obligation of establishing homologation is on the Ministry, but it is obvious that this process will not be completed soon enough.

Understanding Brussels

Because of non-existing homologation, they warn from the Ministry that, if BiH decides to change the regulations of the EU, import of all vehicles will be forbidden. Although the representatives from Brussels at the first meeting of the Interim board for implementation of the SAA have demanded immediate abolishment of this regulation, we find out that understanding still exists, and that they would accept a temporary decision, with an urgent initiation of the process of establishing homologation.

What is homologation?

By homologation, the devices important for safety of the vehicles, and those on which the ecological quality of vehicle depends, are being tested and confirmed. Such devices are the breaks, steering mechanisms, lights, signal devices, pneumatics.

Safety belts, seats for children, internal equipment, and protection against fire, and toxic exhaust emission, noise, radio-frequency disturbances are all being tested. Special institutions must be accredited for this, and then they give a certificate on accuracy of the vehicle.