Dnevni avaz: The citizens of the Federation of BiH have in the previous ten days withdrawn from the banks 81 million KM, has been said by the director of the Agency for Banking of the FBiH, Mustafa Brkić at the yesterday’s press conference in Sarajevo, regarding the actual moves on the financial market.

Reserves have increased

The Governor of the Central Bank (CB) of BiH, Kemal Kozarić has said that there is no need for such moves, because the commercial banks in our country are liquid and safe.

Situation in BiH is not slumped, but neurosis is present and we think that it needs to go in the positive direction, which is, according to our data, happening. "The CB of BiH has inserted 200 million Euros more and some sums of money are constantly being entered, which means that we have enough currency which we will put at disposition to the banks" says Kozarić. According to yesterday’s data, reserves of the CB of BiH have increased by 6.8 billion KM which are being kept at the safe places in Europe. Kozarić has said that, if it comes to unwanted situations, foreign banks which have the banks-daughters in BiH will be able to help easily.

He warned that by withdrawing the deposits from the banks, citizens create additional problem. Because of this it comes to the reduction of money for the placement and capital is becoming higher priced, smooth withdrawals of bank interests and more strict conditions for getting the credit.

Increased bank interests

The Executive Director of the Association of Banks (AB) of BiH, Mijo Mišić has said that the indirect consequences have already overtaken our country and that the structural changes have developed when speaking of increasing the bank interests. "The rate of bank interests have smoothly increased, and more significant increase of bank interests on deposits, especially on effervescent on longer period, in the value of five to seven percent" Mišić said.

Inquiry to the Council of Ministers

The director of the Agency for Deposit Insurance of BiH, Josip Nevjestić has said that they sent the inquiry to the Council of Ministers of BiH that ensured amounts of deposits of citizens should be increased on 15 thousands KM.

"The chairman Nikola Špirić has said that this inquiry will be deliberated at the session on October 22nd and we expect that the sum will be increased" has been said by Nevjestić.