Today and tomorrow in Sarajevo, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the SIGMA organization, in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are organizing a round table for representatives of institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina to determine options for simplifying the vehicle registration procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Addressing the audience, Darko Kasap, the coordinator for public administration reform in BiH, pointed out that the public administration reform, among other things, foresees the simplification of certain administrative procedures so that citizens can get the services provided by the public administration in a faster and simpler way.
“Providing support for the implementation of the Strategic Framework Action Plan for the Reform of Public Administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the reform area of Service delivery, and the implementation of measures related to the coordinated improvement of the administrative and legal framework, SIGMA prepared an analysis of the vehicle registration procedure in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, he said. Kasap expressed the hope that by working together, the representatives of BiH institutions will come up with the best proposals on how to shorten vehicle registration procedures.
Anel Topalović, advisor to the minister in the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said that the process of amending the law on traffic safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina is underway and that a working group has been formed to draft regulations on vehicle registration. He added that the recommendations from this round table will be considered in the ministry with the aim of improving the legal and sub-legal framework in this area.
Emina Zahirović-Pintarić, OECD/SIGMA, stated that there are 1,202,316 registered vehicles in BiH and that there are 15 different administrative procedures carried out by competent authorities for internal affairs in relation to the registration of motor vehicles and trailers. Procedures for registration, insurance, payment of fees and taxes when registering a vehicle in Bosnia and Herzegovina are governed by entity, i.e. Brcko District regulations, and cantonal regulations. The total price of registering a vehicle with the same characteristics (year of manufacture, power and volume of the engine, type of fuel, eco-norm) differs by administrative unit.
The experiences of Serbia, Croatia and Estonia in simplifying public administration services will also be presented at the round table. The event was attended by representatives of: Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republika Srpska, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Finance of Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Transport and Communications of BiH, Agency for Identification Documents, Records and Data Exchange of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Insurance Agency in BiH, Federal Ministry of Finance , the Ministry of Finance of the RS, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Department for Public Registry of the Government of Brčko District of BiH and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office.