In a statement to Radio Sarajevo, the coordinator for public administration reform, Assoc. Dr. Dragan Ćuzulan said that we can be satisfied that the proposal for amendments to the Law on Civil Service will go into procedure at tomorrow’s session of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly.
Ćuzulan particularly emphasized the importance of the register of civil servants and the clear competence of the Civil Service Agency of BiH.
“Finally, the issue of the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Agency has been clarified, and I believe that in a relatively short time we will receive transparent data on all employed civil servants. This is important for the analysis of the state of employees, but also the optimal needs of individual institutions, as well as employment planning, which must be aligned with the real needs and systematization of employees,” said Ćuzulan.
“What we proposed through the Action Plan and strategic documents was partly thrown out, among other things personnel planning and disciplinary procedure”, emphasized Ćuzulan, “although in any case the most important thing is the register of employees”.
He also stated that there are electronic formats from an earlier period, one of which was developed by the German GIZ, which allow registers to be kept electronically.
“This software is completely satisfactory, and if there is a need, it can be improved,” stated Ćuzulan.