Today, the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) in cooperation with SIGMA organized a workshop on the report preparation regarding a progress in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Public Administration Reform Action Plan.
Ferid Otajagić, deputy Coordinator for Public Administration Reform, emphasized the importance of monitoring and reporting, saying that it is “a good management tool that provides information to policy makers and decision makers on progress achieved or on the lack of progress in achievement of policy goals and in implementation of planned activities.” He emphasized that without reporting it is impossible to monitor changes within the public administration, identify problems and corrective measures that will be taken in order to fulfill the goals outlined in the Strategic Framework and Action Plan.
SIGMA expert Egle Rimkute emphasized the importance of preparing quality reports that should clearly describe the achieved results and help the management to look at past shortcomings, set priorities for the future, and to continue to improve on the base on lessons learned.
“The first progress report is planned to cover the period 2020-2022. year. The data collection process will take place in two phases, and it is expected that the report will be completed and submitted to the governments in the first quarter of next year,” said Aneta Raić, head of the Unit for Donor coordination, finance, monitoring and evaluation in PARCO.
The online workshop, where the new IT system was presented, was attended by more than 120 civil servants from the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska and Brčko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and they are participating in the implementation of the Action Plan. Support for the development of the information system was provided by the Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, through a project financed from the IPA II Fund.