With the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO), cooperation between the two institutions begins to improve quality management support for public administration reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of the governments of Germany and the United Kingdom is implemented by the German Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
With the technical support of PARCO, as well as the INFOHOUSE Foundation on behalf of GIZ, the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina / MHRR BIH will, in the coming period, work on establishing a methodology and questionnaires for testing user satisfaction with the work of this institution.
– Orientation towards citizens and commitment to providing services of proven quality and easy availability are the foundations of public administration reform. The issue of customer satisfaction is considered a key element of any quality management system. Measuring the satisfaction of public administration users is important because by applying this method we gain insight into the perception, expectations and satisfaction of citizens. Only when, based on their expectations, the public administration improves its services can we talk about improving the quality of work of institutions. Therefore, I am especially pleased that the Agency for Gender Equality of BiH will be one of the first institutions in BiH that will strengthen the dialogue with citizens, the non-governmental sector and representatives of other institutions. – said doc.dr Dragan Ćuzulan.
Believing that the cooperation of state institutions can lead to synergy of their potentials and result in quality activities of benefit to administrative institutions, but also to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the BiH Gender Equality Agency joined PARCO in its efforts to improve the quality of work.
–The Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina / MHRR BiH, together with other institutional mechanisms for gender equality in the country, through its work and activities, through gender mainstreaming or gender mainstreaming in all areas of private and public life, contributes to achieving gender equality, which is one of the priorities that Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to meet in order to join European integration. The Agency has always been the initiator of initiatives, proposals for action, and one of the entities in the implementation and monitoring of the process of gender mainstreaming in BiH, so we will certainly contribute to the initiation and implementation of activities in the field of gender equality – Samra Filipović – Hadžiabdić, director of the BiH Agency for Gender Equality / BiH MHRR stated.
Customer satisfaction survey is a methodology that is regularly used by public administration institutions in the European Union, while in BiH it is still in its infancy. Recall, user satisfaction surveys are conducted to provide information – the extent to which the quality of public administration meets the needs of users, and also serve to examine the advantages and disadvantages of public administration bodies and identify areas to be developed and improved .