Public consultations with the representatives of civil society in BiH on the Draft Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform in BiH 2017-2022 have been held on 16 November 2017 in Banja Luka and on 17 November 2017 in Sarajevo. The implementation of the additional public consultations has been supported by the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions in BiH, implemented by GIZ on behalf of German Federal Government, within the thematic area “Communications, Civil Society, and Transparency”.
Mr Dragan Ćuzulan, Public Administration Reform Coordinator, Ms Stojanka Ćulibrk, Public Administration Reform Coordinator for Republika Srpska, Ms Ljiljana Ornedi, member of the Joint Working Group for Drafting of the Strategic Framework from Brčko District BiH, Ms Mirsada Jahić, Public Administration Reform Coordinator from the Federation of BiH and Mr Mathias Mühle, Manager of the Programme for Strengthening of Public Institutions from GIZ, have talked about the significance of adopting the new strategic framework.
Representatives of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office and the experts who have been working on drafting the document presented individual reform areas and the proposed methods of monitoring and evaluation of the new strategy as well as the budget needed for its implementation.
Draft Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform in BiH for the period 2017-2022 was also available for comments and suggestions on the web platform for e-consultations of the Ministry of Justice BiH.