The second cycle of training in the field of public policy development, organised through the project “Capacity Building for Strategic Planning and Policy Development – phase II (SPPD II)”, was held on 25 and 26 April 2017 on Jahorina.
Attendees of the training were officers of the ministries and the administrative organisations of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the topic that was processed was “Formulation of public policies” with special accent on the SIGMA principles of public administration.
In addition to the theory part, the attendees also had a practical part of the training, where they applied the knowledge from the theory part to a concrete problem from everyday life, with the objective of understanding and adopting the theory knowledge correctly. This blend of theory lectures and simulation of public policy making in relation to real life situation, maximises the efficiency of the training, both in accepting the theory knowledge, and in developing skills for formulation of public policies.
After completion of the this training cycle, the attendees will start developing selected public policies from the work programme of each institution in institutions they come from, applying the knowledge gained in this, as well as in the following training cycles (there is a total of four of them), with mentor support of the SPPD II project. The final objective is a selected public policy developed by application of the SIGMA 12 steps methodology, with mentor support of the SPPD II project, which leads to a permanent establishment of the said methodology in public policy making, as one of the results of the public administration reform in BiH.
The project “Strengthening capacities for strategic planning and policy development – phase II (SPPD II)” is financed by the funds of the Public Administration Reform Fund.