The Minister of Justice of BiH, Josip Grubeša and the public administration reform coordinator, Dragan Ćuzulan signed the Memorandum of cooperation for the purpose of provision of expert and administrative assistance to the Advisory Council of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative.
Dragan Ćuzulan, public administration reform coordinator, said that the signing of the Memorandum was one more contribution of the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office in implementation of the Open Government Partnership in BiH.
“The OGP principles will surely find their place also in the new strategic framework for continuation of implementation of the public administration reform in BiH”, said Ćuzulan.
Signing of the Memorandum is implementation of the obligation from the Decision on establishment of the Advisory Council of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 94/16).
The cooperation of the Ministry of Justice of BiH and the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office, according to the signed Memorandum, will imply provision of expert and administrative assistance to the Advisory Council of the “Open Government partnership” initiative in implementation of their tasks established by the Decision on establishment of the Advisory Council of the “Open Government Partnership” initiative.