BELGRADE, OCTOBER 6, 2011 (SRNA) – The public administration reform and its modernization are the key ones in the association of countries of region in the EU and that is a hard, but achievable process – has been said by the Minister for Civil Administration and Local Self Governance of Serbia, Milan Marković, by opening the two-day regional conference on public administration in Belgrade.
Marković has said that the public administration in the countries of region is at the same level and that these countries will have to quicken their efforts with the goal of associating the EU, and that is a significant opportunity for improving the quality of life of citizens.
"We should learn from each other through the examples of successful and unsuccessful solutions. We must again find and build a mutual trust and friendship, which is the biggest challenge", Marković has said. He has mentioned that the public administration must become modernized in order for the expectations of citizens and economists to be fulfilled, and that the good public administration is a significant element for the quality of life of citizens as well as for the economy concurrence.
The Ambassador of Sweden in Belgrade, Mr. Krister Asp has said that the public administration reform is a key significance for the EU membership and that Serbia must be assisted on its way towards the Union. The Government of the Republic of Serbia and governments of other countries of region should be enabled for providing a quality and better service for citizens.
The Head of the EU Delegation in Serbia, Vensan Dežer has said that the public administration reform is important in order to implement all the laws required on the way towards the EU, and that the strong legal framework, depolitization of public administration and its professionalism and clear playing rules are very important. He has said that the countries of region often have good legal solutions, but rarely good implementation, by adding that the well trained civil servants and transparent surrounding in order to attract the investors are necessary.
The two-day regional conference on public administration has started in Belgrade, where the representatives of department ministries of countries of region, among which is BiH, will sign the declaration on regional cooperation in the process of modernization of public administration.
The conference "Services, skills and capacities – key challenges in building a modern public administration in Europe" is attended by the state forefront of Serbia and countries of region. On the second day of conference, the speech of the President of Serbia, Boris Tadić will be held. The conference has gathered around 200 participants, among which are the officers competent for public civil service from Montenegro, Croatia, BiH, Slovenia, Macedonia, Albania and Serbia, high representatives of the EU institutions, representatives of civil service, civil sector and professional public.
At the conference, BiH is represented by the National Public Administration Reform Coordinator, Mrs. Semiha Borovac. The organizer is the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self Governance of Serbia.
The second day of conference, after signing the ministerial declaration at 15.00 o’clock, anticipated is the speech of the signatories for media, along with the Vice President of the Government of Serbia, Božidar Đelić. The conference has been organized with the support of the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency and the Swedish Institute for Public Administration.