Dnevni avaz: At today’s session, the Council of Ministers of BiH, by majority vote, has defined the Proposal Law on BiH State Aid System, with a goal of establishing and ensuring concurrence trade conditions as well as executing obligations by concluded international contracts. The proponent, Ministry of External Trade and Economic Relations, will deliver the Proposal Law to the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH for deliberation by the basic legislative procedure.
The objective of this law is building the state aid system and establishing better coordination in directing public funds to development projects with focused economy stimulation in a direction of improving concurrence of country and equal development of all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This law arranges general conditions for assignment, control of assignment and usage of state aid as well as approving and refunding illegally assigned state aid, evidence and reporting on state aid. Donors of state aid are BiH, the RS, the FBiH and the BD BiH, cantonal, town and municipal administrations and each legal subject that assigns the state aid or coordinates it.
Beneficiaries of state aid are economy subjects involved in trade through production and/or commodity or service trade. The law determines bodies competent for application and implementation of regulations of this law, especially the State Aid Council of BiH. It is about the institution obliged to ensure the appropriate application of this law over the entire BiH territory. It consists of two representatives from the CoM BiH and entity governments and one representative from the level of the BD BiH.
The State Aid Council should become operational within six months from intervening of this law, while bylaws will be adopted within three months from establishing the council. In order for decisions of this council to be valid, it is necessary that at least six members of the council vote for them, which assumes vote of at least one representative of each constitutional nation in BiH.
Legal regulation of the state aid system is a significant precondition for further progress of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of the European Integration and fulfilling international obligations overtaken by our country. Adoption of this law is a condition from the Stabilization and Association Agreement and the Interim Agreement on Trade and Trade – Related Matters between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Community and the Central European Free Trade Agreement CEFTA 2006 as well as the South Eastern Europe Energy Community Treaty, has been notified from the Council of Ministers of BiH.
When speaking of taking the standpoint on the Israeli Nuclear Capabilities Resolution, the Council of Ministers of BiH has given suggestion to the Presidency of BiH to remain identical to the standpoint of the European Union (EU), which is an obligation from the SAA. The BiH mission should declare on this issue at the conference in Geneva at the beginning of September, has been notified after the session of the Council of Ministers of BiH in Sarajevo.