The officials in the EU institutions have the lowest starting salary of 1.700 Euros, for which the high school degree is enough. Each second year this salary grows higher and more than 4% with a lot of allowances and benefits.
Media reports that these officials, if they get a permanent position, can expect the pension as well, in the amount of 6.000 Euros. German “Bild” has calculated that the salaries of the Euro-bureaucrats will by the end of next year increase by 5.35%, while British “Daily telegraph” estimates that three years will be needed for allocating more than 1.5 billion Euros for pensions of the former EU officials. It is not surprising that in last year even 3500 Croatian citizens have applied for a job in the European institutions in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg.
Even though it is about the contracts of limited duration, number of applicants has been 10 times higher than the number of needed. One of the candidates, who has been selected for a position in the EU administration, says that his position was for a translator in the European Parliament in Luxembourg. “I have been offered a contract from September 13, 2010 to December 31, 2011, and they have made an appointment for my medical check already.
A lot of original or verified documents should be delivered as well. It should all be translated to French and English. The salary has not been précised yet, but I have been informed that between 3.086 and 5.722 Euros is the salary for my position, and that it will be determined individually for each official”, has been said by our interlocutor. Because of the crisis, which has been shaking Europe and the world, the Council of Europe has decided last year that instead of 3.7%, salaries of the employed in the EU institutions will continue to increase by 1.85%.
However, officials have decided to fight for their right at the court – 44 000 of them have directed their complaints towards the European Rights Court. The European Commission itself has admitted that the salaries and other allowances of employed will reach 2.26 billion Euros in 2011, which is 5% higher than this year. Salaries of officials of the European institutions automatically grow each second year from 1.4 to 4.2%. Therefore, it is not important to work well in order to receive higher salary, but only collect the labor years and wait for the two years to pass by. It is important to show yourself only when going to the upper position. British tax payers, reports “Daily telegraph”, will only for the pensions of EU officials allocate 177 million pounds by 2013, and in 30 years that amount will be doubled. Public is specifically offended by the fact that the European officials (when speaking of pensions) have some benefits, which are not possessed by tax payers, who pay for all that.
Official, who has worked in administration of the Union, can go to pension already at the age of 63, while British must work till they are 65, and 66 from 2016. Besides that, pensions of employed in the EU are from 6.000 to even 10.000 Euros, reports capital.ba.