The general European Commission management for communication has launched a specifically created website of the EU: 'EU4Journalists'/ for the journalists from candidate countries and potential candidates from the South-East Europe, which are specifically focused on the issues related to the EU.
Main goal of this project is to make the everyday work of journalists covering the EU easier, from Brussels or from some other location. Website gives to visitors additional details and important information on the way the EU functions: its main officials, institutions and policies.
'EU4Journalists' is specifically created for journalists, who deal with the less known topics and who need the information as soon as possible. Website contains 30 political dossiers on four official languages of the EU: English, French, German and Spanish. Eight main chapters and fourteen political chapters with main findings in the areas of the EU policy have been translated to all 21 languages of the EU. Also, the General Enlargement Unit has contributed additional efforts into translation to Croatian and Turkish, by which the website has become specifically interesting to Croatian journalists.
Website is divided to following headlines: 1) 'Dossiers' gives the additional information on specific areas of policy, and the links point to the locations for finding the newest events; 2) 'EU Basics' explains how the EU system functions, for example when the Commission proposes some new European law; 3) 'Contact Guide' connects you with people, who give you the additional information and some statements on certain issues. You can find more information on http://www.eu4journalists.eu, has been published on the official website of the European Delegation in Croatia.