Dnevni list: Number of internet users in BiH has in relation to the last year increased from 33 to 35%, while a number of households with internet connection from 28 to 29%, has been shown by the newest research of the Center for market research of BiH. Internet is mostly being used by younger generations, especially in the age between 15 and 24, among whom almost 75% of them use the internet, mostly students, and then the permanently employed, among whom around a half uses these services, while among the pensioners only around 4% are the internet users.
Even though the number of users has increased in the FBiH and in the RS, it has actually been bigger in the FBiH, and the difference between these two entities is bigger as well, 41% against 26%. Similar has happen when speaking of gender of users – number of male users is now bigger than six months ago, by 3%, but the increase of number of female users has been bigger before. But, the male users make more than a half of all internet users in BiH, has been shown by this research.
When speaking of the frequency of internet usage, out of the total number of users in BiH, half of them uses internet each day and the picture has not significantly changed in relation to 2008. Age of the users plays an important role here as well, but the profession of users is important as well. Around 60% of users from the category of managers, entrepreneurs, experts and students use the internet on a daily basis. More than 20% of users access it from internet cafés. When speaking of the most known world internet social networks, as the Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are, the most known to our public is Facebook.
Even 46% of citizens of BiH, who use the internet, have an opened profile on Facebook, while the other two networks are less popular, so the Twitter is being used by around five, and MySpace by around 1% of internet users in BiH. Facebook users, according to this research, mostly use chat, sending of e-mail, commenting of posts and games. Other activities, as uploading photos, quizzes, searching information or opening advertising messages, are little less present. Research of this center warns that one should be careful with Facebook, because it can even bring one to the problems with law.